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咖啡王子一號店 - La la la, It's Love !
Humming Urban Stereo (feat.Yozoh) - Coffee Hanjan Eottae?
Casker - Mocha
哆啦A夢 - 夢をかなえてドラえもん
太鼓達人wii - どん子のファーストデート
中島美嘉 - 雪之華
黃靖倫 - 傻裡傻氣
陳嘉唯 - 幸福導航
張韶涵 - Journey
張韶涵 - 手心的太陽
張韶涵 - 遺失的美好
徐佳瑩 - 出口

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last update: 2 Mar 2010

*** Pasta#
** 拜託小姐#

#: 未看完(正在看或因為不喜歡而看不完)

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last update: 2010.3.2

***** World's End Girlfriend - 《Hurtbreak Wonderland》
*** 楊丞琳 - 《雨愛》
*** 謝安琪 - 《Binary》
** 蕭亞軒 - 《鑽石糖》
** 衛蘭 - 《Wish》
**** 徐佳瑩 - 《LaLa首張創作專輯》
胡彥斌 - 《失業情歌》
*** 中島美嘉 - 《No More Rules》
*** 中島美嘉 - 《Over Load》

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Taken "what's your city" quiz from here and it said that the city for me is Buenos Aires! After playing the game Chocolatier 2, Buenos Aires is linked with Oranges in my mind...

Your City is Buenos Aires

You are cultured, sophisticated, and quite old fashioned. You believe traditions are important, but you are still quite vibrant.
People don't know you well at all, and if they do, they totally misunderstand what you are all about.

You are more interesting and more intelligent than anyone gives you credit for. You are a bit of a hidden treasure.
You are creative, ambitious, beautiful, and fun. You may have a rough past, but you are always getting better.

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First time for white wine. Nice color and scent, green apple flavor, a bit salty. Good balance of sweet and sour.


More: Lion Distributors, WBS, snooth

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